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  • We believe making an informed purchase should be easy… We strive to provide the most complete product information available. Shipping, return, and other details are provided on every listing for your convenience. Additional information can also be found on our store pages. Select the links below for specifics.
  • We believe fostering a relationship of trust begins with us… Our customers value quality products, honest prices, and outstanding service. We agree. Our products are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We value your business and are always happy to be of service. If you have a suggestion, we would love to hear from you.
  • We believe honoring a sustainable future is our responsibility… Our products are made in the USA or sourced overseas using ethical and fair trade business practices. We support local artisans around the world and small businesses at home. Our adaptive approach to sustainability incorporates economic, environmental, and social best practices in our business model.

Updated January 25, 2016

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